CTS GROUP - Construction Technology Services

Engineering, Value Engineering and Construction Services Clients


Port Authorityof New York and New Jersey 
Federal Aviation Authority 
NYS Department of Transportation (DOT)
NYS Thruway Authority 
NYS Urban Development Corporation 
NYS Facility Development Corporation 
NYC Departmentof Transportation 
NYC School Construction Authority 
NYC Office of Management and Budget 
Triboro Bridge and Tunnel Authority 
US Department of Veterans Affairs

Wisconsin DOT
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Army Corps of Engineers
Illinois DOT
Michigan DOT
Toronto Transit
Metropolitan Boston Transit
Washington State DOT
Bay Area Rapid Transit



Kiewit Yonkers JA Jones
NAB Slattery-Skanska Granite
Perini Judlau Spencer White
Modern Continental Urban Foundations Terra Drilling
Silverite Weeks Marine Frontier Kemper